Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Legacy of the Wizard Story

The story follows something like this.

"Once upon a time, there was a dragon who ruled the land. The dragon's name was King Dragon Keela. People lived in fear of their lives until a great wizard came to defeat the dragon. After he defeated it, he sealed the dragon away in a massive labyrinth. Many years later, the decedents lived as lumberjacks making a living. One day, the family pet brought in a dragon scale, and the Warzen family now has to work together to take down the dragon once and for all." (Please keep in mind that this follows the Legacy of the Wizard storyline, not the Dragonslayer IV storyline.

Xemn Warzen - A warrior by heart, woodcutter by trade. He is the father of the family and also the strongest. One of his perks is the ability to use the glove, which allows for moving of the blocks in this game.

Mayna Warzen - A wizard and mother. She knows many spells and is the direct decedent of the great wizard himself. She is a useful character to play, as she can use magical items the others can't.

Lyll Warzen - The daughter elf. Don't ask me how THAT happened, but she has some skills to love in this game. One of the most notable is her abilities to jump higher than the others and using the pickax to destroy blocks in the game.

Roas Warzen - The son ranger. Kind of a pointless character for the majority of the game, but is the only one who can weild the Dragonslayer and defeat the Dragon King Keela.

Pochi - The family pet monster. Only thing this guy is useful for is that its impervious to monster attacks.

Now, all these guys must navigate a massive labirynth to find 4 crowns to unlock portals that can reach the dragonslayer and use it to defeat Keela.

Legacy of the Wizard Original and the Remake Introduction

This little known adventure game for the NES is the American title of Dragonslayer IV, which was originally made for MSX/2 and later for the Famicom. It has originality for its time, but what took everyone by surprise was the massive dungeon to explore. One of the greatest dislikes of this game is the lack of a clear objective and story. That said, the game had awesome graphics and wonderful music. The music was one of the highlights of the game, and to this day some of the most recognizable music in NES history.

The Remake is an RPG conversion of the same game with higher quality graphics, sound, and game play. The music are arrangements of the original music, and some original music.